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Steps for Withdrawal

Below are the steps you will need to take to declare a leave of absence. Guidelines and department contact information are detailed in the table that follows.

Contact your academic advisor(s).

Talk to your academic advisor(s) about your plans to declare a leave and discuss the steps for withdrawal. Details in the Registration/Academic Progress table below.

Withdraw from your courses.

Withdraw from your courses and consult with the Office of the Registrar as outlined in the Registration/Academic Progress table below.

Contact Financial Aid & Student Financial Services.

These departments are related to your tuition and fees, student account balance, and financial aid, if applicable. Details in the Financial Accounts table below.

Follow-up with Campus Departments.

These departments are related to various services of the university such as USCard or Transportation/Parking. Details in the Campus Services table below.

You may need to contact other campus departments.These departments are related to specific student situations where additional contacts are necessary but that do not apply to all students, such as International students or first-semester students. Details in the Other Important Contacts table below.

Declare a Leave of Absence.

Complete a leave of absence declaration in myUSC.


Some of these guidelines are recommended for all students, while others may apply to specific student populations only.

Students leaving USC in the first semester of enrollment are not eligible for a leave of absence and must contact the Office of Admission for an admission deferral.

Students wishing to withdraw from the university are responsible for making contact with all applicable offices/departments to ensure closure in all areas. Departments may require specific action prior to or upon completion of the leave. It may also be necessary to consult additional offices, not listed here, to complete the withdrawal process.

Registration / Academic Progress

Registration and academic progress checklist for withdrawing from USC.

Financial Accounts

Financial accounts checklist for withdrawing from USC.

Campus Services

Campus services checklist for withdrawing from USC.

Other Important Contacts

Other important contacts checklist for withdrawing from USC.

What You Need to Know

Filing a leave of absence for undergraduates is primarily a declaration process – that is, there is not an approval or denial given.

What You Need to Know

Filing a leave of absence for undergraduates is primarily a declaration process – that is, there is not an approval or denial given.

Health Related

Contact a Health Leave Coordinator in Campus Support & Intervention.

For Graduate Students

Contact your departmental academic advisor to declare a leave.

International Students

Contact the Office of International Services before you declare a leave..